My Very Late Return

So I vanished for a while- about four months. Jeez, time flies! So what did I do? Officially settled into my new homestead. Rascal is doing amazing- no signs of abuse at all anymore. He's just a normal pup now. Coho and him keep each other entertained 24/7. I fostered three native children for the tribe over Christmas while their mom was in treatment. It was a really wonderful experience- and I fe...el so privileged to have been a part of it. I built a maqii (Eskimo steam house) and am learning the ways of VERY hot bathing. And in two days I shall be adopting two very beautiful cats from Clear Creek Cat Rescue. The adoption has been arranged for a while (nearly four months), but fate postponed it until now. I'm very eager to have my new family members officially home though! And other than that I've been very busy. Getting by doing what little bush dwellers do- lighting woodstoves and packing water and complaining a lot about the weather.