The New Cottage

It's been a month of absence for me now. For that I apologize. But it's all in good reason. I'm moving! Yes, moving! To a true 'homestead'. It's a tiny home, but a perfect one. Located right on the bank of the Yukon River. Overlooking tundra for as far south as my eyes can see. An alder forest traces the east side of the home. A few willow and a dirt road headed into town take the right side. To the north sits a hill- where cranberries, blueberries, and tundra tea grow. The dogs chose the hill as their home- of course. For it's the very best spot to view all that our new home has to offer. Ravens tease the pups habitually. Seagulls panic on the water- fighting over fish scraps. And it's all so very perfect. I can't wait for the new stories this home will help me tell.