Snickers' Passing

Snickers passed away last night. Yesterday he began spinning in circles instead of walking in straight lines. He began to lose his appetite and his motor skills. I don't know what would cause this. I'm assuming some sort of internal damage from the dog bites. But it progressively got worse, until he passed away around 2:00 or 3:00 AM. I am heartbroken, but also feel very blessed that I got to give him a bit longer of a life. I woke up last night, abruptly, and panicked. I kept saying "Do I have baby mice?" over and over. I was still mostly asleep and vaguely remember it. But my darling reminded me this morning when I found Snickers had passed. I'm fairly sure I was having a dream of Snickers passing and awoke approximately the time he passed. The worst part is, I don't know if me awaking was my chance to save him- or merely his way of saying goodbye to me.