The Yearn To Be A Foster Mother

I know I've mentioned my yearning to be a foster parent before, but I'd like to go in a bit more detail. Since the age of 10, after watching a 60 Minutes episode regarding the foster care system- I decided I wanted to be a foster parent. I'd taken in as many children as I could and provide them all the love in my heart. Since the age of 16, my goal was to be a foster parent when I turned 21 (the legal age to begin fostering). I am now 21, and with the ever most urge to reach my goal. Finances, housing, and life have handed me some delays- but not a day passes when I don't wish that I had foster children in my care at this exact moment. It is my entire reason for living. I don't ever intend to have my own children (and as I've learned, such a thing may not even be possible- keyword: infertility). But that, I feel blessed with. Because it's all the more reason to reach out and be the mother I was meant to be- to my children. Perhaps not by birth, genetics, or law. But my heart. I shall be a mother by heart. And I dearly hope things fall into place so I can make such a dream a reality very soon.