Light Bleeding

I woke up today with pretty bad cramps. In the early morning there was some pink discharge on my tissue when I wiped after peeing (I apologize for the TMI in this post- but you're going to hear worse than this, so if this kind of stuff doesn't suit you well, skip this diary entry). Anyhow, pink discharge- early in the day. Around noon I wiped and there was bright red blood with a single clot. I was sure my period had started. I spent the rest of the day checking- there was nothing aside from some very light minor light brown discharge- and it was so light that it could only be seen after I peed and wiped with tissue.

I'm a bit confused. On one hand, my period is due to start in a week. This is still around 6 days early. I've had cramps- which are typically associated with my period. I've been bloated. The sensitivity to smells has gone away- so has the urge to pee often. So I'm left feeling like I'm having a period, I'm just not actually bleeding yet.

I could either be in the very early stages of a period... or I could be having implantation bleeding. It's been around 10 days since I ovulated, and it's about 6 days before my period is due to start. It's almost the exact time when implantation bleeding would occur. I'm hoping I'm wrong- but this seems like one more symptom aligning itself with some very big news.

Fingers crossed my bleeding gets heavier tomorrow.