Spring Cleaning

Twice a year I have made a habit of becoming a charity case. Twice a year I try to rid myself of every 'extra' thing I own- including money, possessions, energy, and time. Midwinter, and the beginning of spring. Annually, in the spring I participate in a thing called spring cleaning. Except unlike others I do not hold a yard sale or pawn off old possessions. I donate things. I donate my extra time, my extra things, my extra energy- and most of all every single little last bit of my extra money. Twice a year I try to clear my savings. I feel as though too much money causes too many troubles. So, even though it is terribly hard to do, twice a year I clear my bank account and rebegin. And spring has begun, so my bi-annual clearing has begun. It's not that I have much to give away anyways. But it feels quite exhilerating. My parents spent their entire lives saving, and I always wondered how much more enjoyable their lives would have been if they would have just given it all up and had a little faith that fate would get them where they needed to go. I wonder no longer, for I myself live such a lifestyle. And let me tell you this- the act fate is a fantastic reward.