To Love A Woman

It's a taboo phase that so few people talk about. But I embrace it. I have fallen in lust with more women than men in my short life. It's a topic I haven't spoken of, only because since I began this diary- I have been with a man. But prior to that man I had been with many women. Perhaps fallen in and out of semi love with a few. And I find myself yearning more for the touch and companionship of a woman than of a man. It's a topic that is unfortunately disregarded as wrong and unethical. But in all reality it is merely an emotion. An emotion that I don't hide, nor do I feel the need to. Rather, I enjoy. Because within such a unique aspect of my love life I find more contentment than any stereotypical normal relationship could give me. And I find it quite disheartening that so many people choose to look at my light in a dark manner. If they took they time, they'd see that among the dark topic is a variety of misconceptions and haphazard rumers. They'd see that in all reality they had merely accidentally turned off the lights. And once the switch is flipped the topic isn't really so dark afterall.