Miracle Beginning

Coho and Rascal were terrified last evening. The immense amount of village fireworks and gunfire at midnight sent them into a frenzy. I knew Coho's fear and brought her in before the rush began. A few firecrackers had already been set off and had terrified her enough to bury herself under an old shed. After coaxing her out I brought her inside, but alas- even there she was struck in fear. So I spent the first hour of my new year consoling her wide-eyed scared soul. She looked so small. Ran up and down the hallway, trying to find a place to hide. I heald her tight, petted her, tried everything to calm her. Finally I took her into a back bedroom, layed her on the bed, and she let me curl her ears down and cover them (shutting out the sound). After a while she began to get tired and I took a knit scarf and tied it around her head to continue to drown out the fireworks. She fell asleep soon after. But my heart was still worried for Rascal. I ran outside to find him burrowed in the back dark corner of an old shed. He was terrified as well, but unlike Coho, perked up immidiately as I brought him inside. An hour later the loud bangs had subsided and I put my little wolves to bed. A long exhausting beginning to the New Year. But in all honesty, I wouldn't have spent it any other way. Being able to calm an animal is by far one of the greatest miracles of being a human. And last night I was able to experience that miracle twice.