The Differences

 As Coho and Rascal have matured into the sweet pups they are- they've bothed developed entirely different personalities. Having both been raised exactly the same way, by me, I find nature vs nuture to be taking it's course. Coho is very serious. She loves running, learning, working. And although she adores a nice cuddle, she prefers to be off and about doing her own thing. She's easily jealous and hates when another dog gets attention, but will happily share the attention (one hand petting her, one hand petting another) if she has to. Rascal, on the complete opposite, loves playing, being goofy, and digging holes. He is anything but serious, and doesn't find cuddles very entertaining. He's much too hyper for cuddles. And if you attempt a cuddle, he will turn it into a sweater tug-oh-war with your sleeve. He isn't very jealous and loves other dogs- so much as you give him a big hug and kiss first. These two pups are literally opposites. Coho will not step in a mud puddle- rather she will daintily walk around it. Rascal, on the other hand splashes right in- drinking the muddy water as he bounces across. And yet, amongst their differences, they are the best of friends. They fight, play, cuddle, and communicate every day. They are inseperable and are very protective over one another. And they are my biggest source of happiness. I love them equally- but differently, and really couldn't imagine a more perfect pair of furry children.