Late Break-Up

Winter is prolounged this year. This is the latest Yukon River break-up on record. We still have three feet of snow in the backyard. The one loan rabbit that has survived the harsh cold makes daily stops there. My honey throws him bits of greens and ears of corn. The dogs seem weary. I can tell they too are yearning warmer days. Both of the pups spend much of their time loaping around- waiting for the nice activities that will occur this summer. But summer seems so so far away. The snow is melting so slowly. The lakes and creek are still frozen. No birds have arrived yet. The swollows are late and the waterfowl almost nonexistant. It's such a shame. Children keep coming to my door asking when the pool will be ready. Darling little Eskimoes don't quite understand that it's still too cold. 20 degrees is too much of a chill for May (even in the subarctic) and I'm dearly hoping for brighter days soon ahead.