Accumulating Furs

I went out and picked out some furs today from our local seller, to reserve for my winter endeavors. My plan? Well I hope to begin commercial sewing fur hats, mittens, and baby booties to sell. I secretly wish to make enough to buy a home with a yard large enough to open my own dog kennel. High hopes, but a girl's gotta dream. Anyhow, I bought furs. But what furs, you ask. Four small black beaver. A large natural brown beaver. Two black rabbit furs. Four gray rabbit furs. One purple-ish gray rabbit fur. One white-ish gray rabbit fur. Five white rabbit furs. Three tan and white rabbit furs. One calico rabbit fur. One tan and black rabbit fur. I also grabbed two dyed and sheered beaver furs- one is pink and the other is blue. Something silly and fun. And now, I await my sewing machine's arrival- so I can create! Mwah, ha, ha, ha, haaa. Is the excitement of this new endeavor getting to me? I think it is...