Palm Reading

So I've read many palms in my life, but never really looked at my own. I always kept saying, "I'll have someone else do it." But tonight I had nothing better to do and spent an hour analyzing. Needless to say, I should have waited for a different opinion. My life line indicates not only depression and mental turbulence, but a possibility of suicide. My success line shows a lot of good fortune for ...those around me, but no personal gain for myself. My money line literally does not exist, so not only will I never become wealthy, I am pretty much doomed to eternally be in poverty while those around me climb to riches. My love line is small and barely existent which means I will find virtually no happiness in terms of romance. Not only that but it's broken into a million pieces, depicting confusion and angst amidst a lot of heartache. I seriously cannot find one positive line on my hand. I feel like I'm reading Edgar Allen Poe's hand. Maybe my palm is his reincarnated hand. Nevertheless, if it's right- I'm doomed.