Coho's First Child

As I made my way outside to bless Rascal and Coho with moose scraps, I had no intentions of adding yet another love to my home. Rascal has been kind lately- howling. The inner wolf in him has come out. His owners, my neighbors, chained him next to Coho so I can conveniently feed him and play with him often. He's precious, a big puppy, and in every sense of the word my baby boy. Coho has become something different though. She's merely a year old and yet a woman in every way possible. She proved that to me today when I came outside to find her snuggled into the hay in her home with a small, white, so very thin puppy curled into her. She hopped out happily to greet me, and her adopted child followed. After feeding Rascal I brought Coho in for cuddles and her child, naturally followed. She was so patient with him, so loving of his ways. He's terribly agressive and skinny. But I've fed him and my heart is patient with his hate of humans. He's merely two or three months of age and ferocious as hell. But Coho is in love with him, so alas, I suppose my heart fell into his cute little eyes as well...