Eleven Fish

Fishing for coins during the summer humbles one. Or perhaps it just humbles me. It merely entails hopping into a boat and drifting into the Yukon waters to set a net, pull it back, and gather the salmon that happen to swin through. But there are days when hopping into the boat is only the beginning. The winds are strong, the waters are rough, and the rain is heavily dripping down your cheeks and into your hood to soak your dry clothes. Summer fishing on the lower Yukon has been slow this year... in fact it's been rather glum. And the very only opening we have had thus far took place last night- in the very worst storm this summer has yet to see. I was exhausted, wet, and grateful for nothing at all. We caught eleven fish... made enough pennies just to pay for the hole we put in our net. My piggy bank is running empty, but the river doesn't seem to care.