Cabin Fever

I came down with cabin fever. The crying, sobbing, tear-jerking, depressingly dark emotion that happens to people this time of year. It was devestating. Even a happy soul gets sad sometimes I suppose. It hit me hard. My poor darling. He's so kind and gentle, but I know this last week wore him down. By the end of this spell we were both miserable. I must have been practically insane. Every day I would get mad and then turn sad and then scream myself with crying sobs to sleep. And it was endless. It's the time of year when for some odd reason you just can't help but feel sad. And it happens to me each and every year, never fails. Usually it lasts much longer. This year it came quick and wore me down to a starved ghostly physique. I don't eat or sleep or do anything but cry. I probably wear my heart on my sleeve more than others. My emotions are always in a fragile state. But this was terrible. Fortunately, I feel happier now. I called my mother. She has a way of lightening the darkness. And now I'm trekking a new path, that will hopefully keep me from falling into such a place anymore. If my soul stays bright then I suppose the sunshine can always find me. But the second my light shuts off the night takes over all too easily. So from now on my inner wildflower is going to bloom. Goal of this year: Be happy. Every. Single. Day. Because my life is worth beaming over.