Lacking Social Contact

I'm not sure if you've noticed but I lack a certain level of social contact. My life resides in the tundra, in my cabin, and in my own bittersweet imagination. But aside from myself, I truly have no real company at all. My darling lives with me, but we often adventure our own little ways. I'm neither shy nor socially-awkward. I suppose I just find more comfort in myself than I do in the bothersome talking of someone else. To me silence is more precious than the bickering of a fellow human. I find solitude to be more entertaining than the irrational behavior of instable people anyhow. I think people find me secretive and timid. I am neither. I just choose to be an introvert. Social situations teach me fewer lessons than merely watching snowflakes fall. I'm a yearner of knowledge. I think perhaps that's the reason nature is more of a friend to me than any human being.