Warming Riley

I looked out the window today to see Riley shaking freezing in the front yard. Her poor sleddog figure couldn't resist the negative twenty below temperatures that this morning brought forth. Without thought I put myself in my parka and walked out the front door. She saw me and ran over into me. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her head into my chest, lifted her legs into my waist and curled herself into my heart. We sat for probably a half hour. I, simply in my pajamas and socks. Her fur kept me warm and I warmed her with my breath. As I breathed I let the warmth of my air intertwine in her furs. She quit shaking after a little while. But didn't move. She just laid there in my arms. Her true owners watched from their windows. They don't approve of my love for her. They'd rather she die so they can quit their responsibility. Not that they have any. They neither feed nor care for her. And that's why I didn't care that they witnessed me shivvering in the front lawn with their dog in my arms. I couldn't watch her freeze. She's too precious. And I hope they know that. I hope they realize that their actions, day by day, are breaking my heart. And my poor sleddog is the one who has to suffer most of all.