To Favor Riley

Riley is spoiled, yes spoiled. She is so spoiled, in fact, that she absolutely refuses to let anyone else have my attention. She cries and cries if I step out the front door without petting her. And if I quit petting her to give Rascle attention she wanders off to the side and stares at me as if I have betrayed her. Of course, my heart tends to favor Riley. She was, afterall, my first sleddog. And so I give Rascle what little bit of attention I can and then walk over to wrap my arms around her. She's tamed to me. No one else can get close to her anymore. I suppose she's learned the cruelty of the village. The children don't know better and I'm sure she has been kicked and hit too many times to count. The adults don't consider her anything more than a nueasence and if she is in their presence they probably shoo her off. She's just a poor little stray now. I'm all she has left. So I really don't mind giving her all the attention I do. I know I'm the only one who takes the time to do so.