Rascal's Blessing Amidst Misfortune

Rascal is still very weak and wobbly. He is a very big dog, so walking on three legs is very difficult for him. He lays around most of the time, licking his wound. The wound is healing up nicely, but the swelling is not going down. He can't move around very well. I bring him water habitually and feed him regularly. Today I took him some frozen salmon. I held onto it while he bit off pieces. His appetite is slowly growing. And by the wag of his tail whenever I'm in his company- I know he'll be just fine. And today, when his original owner say me taking care of him- he gave him to me. So today, I became the official owner of Rascal. And of course- there's still Coho. So I have them both now. And you have no idea what a blessing I think that is. What a miracle it is. What a magnificent light at the end of the tunnel that is.