Rascal's Gunshot

This morning, my darling came in the front door with some horrible news. As I was preparing Luck for her venture from the village... something terrible happened. Rascal had been shot. My darling found him laying on the side of the road with a wound in the joint above his front left paw. As I ran outside to check on him, his tail wagged. But his body went limp. He could barely move. Blood rushed out of his wounds. One entering, one exiting. He licked it over and over, and I sat beside him. I cried, although I didn't want to. I couldn't help it. Seeing him in pain made my heart break. And yet, even amidst the pain- HE tried to comfort ME. He licked my tears. Rested his head on my leg. And nuzzled into me as best he could. Eventually I had to leave to take Luck to the airport. Her crate would be coming on a plane. But one unfortunate event lead to another and the plane didn't arrive. I was devastated, and spent the remainder of the day with many tears streaming down my face.