Nettles, Prickly Weeds

The gardening season has finished poorly this year. Months of precious care of seedlings has ended me with a few small potatoes, onions, carrots, and greenbeans. Harvest enough for one making of soup. Quite disappointing. And now that our first frost has set in, I have made my way out to clear what few weeds have made it through, so that my garden can be clean for next year. In the process of being a responsible young adult, I managed to hapazhardly grab a very painful handful of nettles. A small prickly Alaskan weed that jabs hundreds of tiny needles deep into your skin when touched. How painful it was. I released my grip and immidiately the stinging set in. I worked through the pain to quickly finish up the last bit of the weeds, and then headed inside. I soothed my hand in cold water, then hot water, then cold again. Only to find the tiny needles would only come out with time, not prying and pushing. It's been two days now and all but a few of the needles have made their way out of my sensative palms. I have learned a lesson within all of this. Look before you pull a weed.