
I've always heard the rumor that an insignificant heartbeat of an animal can completely alter one human's entire being. I've had my fair share of animal familiars. Like all gypsies I have surrounded myself with the magical properties of nature, of which dearest furries can be a part of. But out of all beautiful animals only one takes a significant spot in my childhood. Sapper. A large black mut. For the many hours my brother and I spent venturing through the backroads of rural Illinois, Sapper was by our side. Many a years he spent every waking moment playing the seasonal games of wondering nature with children. When we ventured into an unknown farm to meet face to face with an angry bull, Sapper forcefully stood between us until we safetly reached the other side of the fence. When we ran wildly through the praries that lines our backyard Sapper was one step ahead scaring off skunks, raccoons, and snakes before they had the chance to meet our barefeet. If we walked too far onto the thinly frozen ice of our neighbor's pond Sapper nipped our snowsuits and drug us outward. Never once did we not escape danger. Between the fragil ages of five to twelve Sapper stayed by my Indian spirit side. Out of anything he fought off I would have never assumed a car would be his tragic end. Yet without adue he became an angel at the time I began to fade away from my tree climbing expeditions. As I look back today in amazement of the ways he could be, I have no doubt in my mind that an insignificant heartbeat of an animal can completely alter one human's entire being