Happenings of My Pup

The pup has finally officially calmed down. She's adorable and precious and finally showing affection for the human kind. For one week now I have been searching for a home for her. I want her to be loved as dearly as she should be. She's absolutely priceless. She has four phases. When she awakes she's very calm, cuddly, and in dier need of kisses. But after a few minutes the energy renewel has hit full force and playing ensues. So we play- for many hours, until she begins to get hungry. She's learned if she goes to the stache of moose scraps on the porch and sits- she will be fed. So she piles on the food- in a way that even a starving dog would eat- and then more playing ensues. She gets hyper and hyper and more and more ridiculously wild until finally- literally within a minute she goes from a tumbling toddler of excitement to the sleepiest baby in the world. And she sleeps- so sweetly, until the habitual actions can become evident once again.