Finding Gentleman

I've been serenaded, once or twice. I've been told I was beautiful, been handed a rose, been asked to walk down an aisle, and been told 'I love you'. I've been on dates, on picnics, to movies, to dinners, to extravegant tropical resorts to spend a weekend. I've been paid to act in love. I've paid people to love me. I've seen more aspects of romance than most girls my age. And I realize that in a way, that makes me very blessed. I was very much so the ugly duckling in high school. I went unnoticed and if I was approached it was only in the highlight of a cruel joke. So when the world turned and things changed and that awkward girl grew up to be me- I found love in a million places. It was all I ever wanted, all I still want. I'm the epitome of a hopeless romantic, and it's doomed me to fall for every gentleman who removes his hat and bows in my presence.