A Pagan Santa Claus

I, myself, do not celebrate Christmas- but every single child in my village hopes for Santa. I believe in him. I always have. My childhood was blessed with his appearance. When I left Christianity and followed my pagan heart I began to celebrate Yule- which even further inspired my belief in the loving, kind, magical create named St. Nicholas. Unfortunately, Santa seems to forget a few children here. There are a few hopeful eyes that wake up to hungover parents and not a single treat under the tree on Christmas morning. Such a story was brought to my attention last year- and as you all know, Santa magically appeared for those two lucky young girls. And this year, Santa is visitting three more houses this Christmas. He's dearly excited (can barely hold in the excitement). And even though Yule is my day of choice, the 25th will most certainly be my day of joy. I won't be able to see the excitement, or hear it, or be amidst it. But I'll know it... and that will literally be the most amazing 'good morning' feeling in the world.