Children & Gifts

I love the holidays. I love Hanukkah and Yule and Christmas. I love giving gifts. It's an odd thing to enjoy really. Giving things away, specifically to children. There's no substance return that goes with such a deed. In fact it's a deed that never really gets returned. Children take and laugh and enjoy and maybe mutter a thank you (if you're lucky). But they never think to return the favor. And yet, even without a return it seems to be the most glorious feeling in the world to hand a kid a wrapped package. I never think 'I hope I get repaid for this' or 'They owe me'. I don't think anyone thinks that, like we do with other deeds. With giving children gifts we just give... thoughtlessly. And their smile is enough of a thank you. Maybe if we treated every deed the way we treat giving a child a present the world we be a much more beautiful place.