Unexpected Christmas Miracle

Today I was blessed- in a way few people are. As you know Santa handed me the job to deliver a few children gift's this year. And a family of five up the road sent their two oldest (an 8 year old boy and a 7 year old girl) to my door on Christmas morning. In their hands they heald the toys that had been quickly unwrapped and opened (to be played with of course). And they also heald a lynx fur, which was given to me as a gift. The young girl said, "My mom and dad said they love you because you got us lots of toys". I smiled and hugged her- told her I loved them too. And then I asked what else they had gotten for Christmas. Nothing... aside from the toys I had handed them two days ago. I didn't know when I delivered those small trinkets that their family did not have the means to produce even one gift this year. But Santa works in funny ways. And often times those ways are miracles.