Later In Life Lessons

It's amazing how time can surprise you. I remember back in my teenage years I had swooned over hundreds and passed by just as many. I thought I knew who was a prince and who was a dragon. But things are changing now. People I used to look up to, I now pity. One's I barely took notice of, I now sit in admiration of. Boys whom I once adored now seem so nonchalant, and one's I barely spoke a word to leave regrets of ignorance in my mouth. There are a few people I wish I would have gotten to know better, and a few I wish I wouldn't have spent so much time yearning for. It's amazing how times change and minds change and all of the sudden weird little peices of the world fall into place. Maturity is a word now, not a number. And all of the sudden I'm seeing things in people that my teenage heart never noticed- the good, the bad, and the ugly. And all of the sudden a lot of fate-planned things are making sense.