Happy Whimper

Riley happy whimpered today. For those of you who own a dog- you know what a happy whimper is. It's when your pup is so overjoyed to see you he literally cries with excitement. He heard me close my front door from two houses away and came running up the road. I was outside to pick up some wood for the fire when his cute little paws pounced on my back. The way he runs up is disheartening. He's low to the ground, skeptical, and a bit scared- as though he's been kicked in the past. He's extra cautious now. But he knows that I am merely a friendly human heart who wouldn't dare do such a thing, so once he reaches my side he straightens out and wags his tail. Today he happy whimpered and dug his big ears into me. My heart skipped a beat when I heard that sweet little gleeful cry. I've heard that earning a sleddog's respect is one of the hardest things to accomplish- and that they choose who they listen to and who they ignore. Riley would listen to me. He already does. His ears are attuned to my light-hearted footsteps on the snow. His eyes only speak love to my heart. Ugh, it kills me yet fulfills me all at once. How can a tragedy in the waiting feel so blessed before it happens? Why am I letting my arms reach out to hug the one thing that is inevitably going to break my heart?