Bye Bye Running Water

On the last day of 2011, our water froze. It's to be expected in -40 degree temperatures. But nevertheless, it's a certain something no one really wants to deal with. In such an area, getting anything fixed is tough- getting a professional is impossible. So we have three or four residents who know how to fix frozen water pipes underground- all of which do not work on New Years. So now our pipes freeze over even worse. There is of course some main things one cannot do without running water. Laundry in a washer- not exactly terrible for me. Living homeless in Illinois prepared me for handwashing clothes (which used to occur in a gas station sink). No showers- once again not completely terrible although I do much enjoy my warm baths. A basin will work, I really don't mind- once again at least it's not a gas station sink. And then there are dishes. I've always done those by hand with water heated on the woodstove anyways. So I suppose, as long as I have internet to document my experience- there isn't much to worry about.