Finance Hell

Finances are the least of my worries. You may see me fret, be mad, cry for no reason- but you shall never, under any circumstances, see stress in my eyes with money on my mind. I am very well the least materialistic person you may meet. For a variety of reasons. But first and fore most, I am determined to walk the walk. I have told countless people how much I pity them for being so obsessed with cars and mansions. They pity me for my dwindling bank account. And yet, admist their big pay checks and my small caravan- I always seem to be more often blessed with a smile. Obsessing over the necessity of a small rectangle paper with green ink is the very first way to pull yourself into a living hell. Obsessing over dainty little butterflies and snowfallen sunsets is the very first way to find heaven without even a dime to your name.