Skinning An Otter

To skin an otter sounds gruesome. Taking the fur from something just seems... unappetizing. And yet it's a skill I've wanted to acquire for quite some time. How exactly does one go about harvesting their own luxurious fur? The trapping part I leave to my darling, but I've decided it's time I learn to skin the animals myself. Otter are supposedly some of the hardest animals to skin. It's a long tough process. But, my darling being the absent-minded teacher he is, put me on an otter for my beginning lesson. And wa-la two hours later I had slowly stripped away the entire pelt from the never-ending fat. One tiny knick is all I left. My darling is quite impressed. For he himself tends to put holes in his otters- even after the hundreds he's practiced on. I feel quite accomplished. Next up- moose.