Hypocrite I Be

A bit about my intimate self. This may be more than you ever intended to hear. I am a menstrual wreck during that certain "period". Typically, or shall I say, always until this moment- a bath was my cure to the endless pain that I endure when being a woman. Without running water, or a water heater for that matter, a bath is impossible. And so the suffering I have withstood over the past 48 hours is unbelievable. One would think the wrath of God was upon me. I refuse to take medicine, the idea of such an unnatural human-made thing irritates me. I've thrown snow into my hair to keep myself from vommiting from pain. I've burnt my skin around my back and stomache with hot rags in an attempt to release the tension. I've barely eaten, hardly moved, all but become a living dead person. Curse you life without running water- how dare you not spare me the two days out of the month when I suppose I cannot function normally without you. Hypocritical I may seem. But hypothetically speaking, if you were a young female paralyzed by blood-loss you too would be asking for forgiveness of the 'modern day conveniences' spirit.