Trap A Wolf

I slept well last night. I awoke energized and beautiful, ready to greet the late Alaskan sunrise. I should have known the wolves made an appearance once again. I have my fingers crossed someday the trap my darling set along his line will snap a wolf. I often wonder what color they are. The curiousity of their appearance eats away at me. Their tracks leave no trace of their howl or their fur. I care not to hear their songs to the moon- but visualizing them is getting exhausting. I'd like to meet one- just once. See it for it's physical self. But in all reality I'm not sure it would live up to the fantasy I've portrayed it to be. Honestly, I don't think it'd be right of me to see it alive. I don't want to know its soul through its eyes. I just want to know its color. That's all. The rest is a place I dare not venture. Tieing ends with a wolf is a trail not worth trekking in my mind. I never quite know where their hearts lie- or what exactly their intentions would be towards me.