Bering Sea Blizzard

A Bering Sea blizzard has overtaken the village. The strong winds rattle the metal of my woodstove. The snow is wet and thick, making even the littlest distance ahead invisible. We went off to take a ride today, but upon approaching the river, quickly realized the white stuff was blinding. Had we ventured too far we would have risked losing our way and falling through the thinly frozen ice atop the mighty flowing Yukon River. The current is strong and although the ice is thin enough to fall through, it's thick enough to keep you under. The terrifying reality of losing your way and meeting that kind of fate can keep even the most daring Eskimo home. We chose not to risk such an event, ourselves and quickly turned around. It's the first blizzard of the season. But when the wind is blowing so densely outside, it creates a cozy warm darkness in the cabin. I like the dim light and the whispers of a cloudy day. Creates a kind of solumn peace amongst the ravaging weather.