Snow Shaping Wind

Oh, I know I've spent countless posts reviewing the actions of snow. But I love snow! I just absolutely love it. I suppose that's why I'm here in Alaska; for one must love snow in order to thrive here. And yet another blizzard has made its way upon my home. The winds are a humming melody ringing through the cracks in my walls. The white falling flakes are a blinding wisp tracing the shape of the wind. I love the way it happens. One could argue forever that the wind is invisible. But snowfall is like the dust that makes the unseen seen. It takes each and every breeze, blow, and trickle of air- and brings it forth in a way the human eye can see. What once was merely atomic particles too small for the view of me, is now a quick moving cloud of white that my eyes can follow. Snow is my gateway to the invisible, creating the shapes of the wind that my mind can ponder on for hours.