Spotted Seal Skin Mukluks

My mukluks arrived today! Oh I am so thrilled. One can only hope so long for an Eskimo sewn pair of spotted seal skin boots. I found them online a few days ago, and bought them from a man whom was selling the long lost objects of an estate sale. Evidentally they came from a woman who often traveled and collected trinkets from the world. Among them, a pair of boots that just so happened to be the exact treasure I was looking for. They fit perfectly and I adore them so. They smell of seal oil and urine (that was used to preserve the fur), but I refuse to take them off. There's something about them. The memory of the lady who traveled the world. The aura of the old Eskimo woman who worked so delicately to perfectly stitch them. And the love of a teenage girl who just so happened to put her entire heart (and feet) into the caribou skin soles.