Craft Maker

I'm a craft maker, creator, thinker of unthought things. My hands work with the grace of Cinderella's mice creating odds and ends with no use at all. There is yarn and string and hemp cord. There are beads and fabric and furs. I'll take river rocks and glue them into small terrarium caves. I'll take ptarmigan feet and make charms with keychain rings. Give some crayons, colored paper, and peace of mind- and I'll be just fine. I love the idea of art. I like finding it in odd things. Like the shape of a couch- that was once created by an artist. Or the style of a car- an artist created that. Odd things like sweaters and flower bouques. And then I think to myself- well I shall make something! And I do. Just like that, out of nowhere. Artistic inspiration just occurs and I'm out in a frenzy caught up in the ways of hot glue and jewels.