Cats and the Shrew

Toby caught a shrew today. Quite proud he was, trotting up our dirt road to the front door with the furry bit hanging from his jaws. He waited for me to open the door, then ran inside eager to show the other cats. At first they were less than enthralled- it was already dead and they are not interested in dead things. But after Toby playfully tossed it into the air a few times, Minnie Mag and Ozzy jumped in to play as well. And the night was spent with much jumping of cat feet as the shrew was thrown about. Granted, I'm not entirely fond of animal death. And my heart pitied the shrew. But I realize it's not fair to keep a hunting carnivore from hunting. So it's only natural they occasionally get to play with something once alive. And I am quite proud of the little darlings. Their tiger instincts have not completely evaded them.