To Disagree With Understanding

I will never understand how people can let differentiating opinions effect so much of their lives. They are consumed with discontentment in the fact that others practice different religions, have different political views, or believe in different ways of life. But we all walk different roads. Those roads lead us through different experiences- so we develop different values and create opinions based on different things. Does that mean our opinions are wrong? Or our values shou...ld be changed? We each possess a different mind, and we've had different situations that inspire our mind's thoughts. To each individual person- what they believe is right. And that is beautiful. And we should be enlightened by others. And even if we disagree, we should realize that those disagreements come not from the other person being wrong- but from the fact that person walked a different path, and accumulated their opinions in a different way. No one is truly right. No one is truly wrong. We're all just different because we've lived different lives. And being able to realize that, gives us the ability to listen and understand and DISAGREE without hate- but instead with understanding.