Dogs and Waves

I took the dogs for their first swim in the river today. Rascal appears to be part lab, but he is still quite skeptical of the river waves. He follows me in happily, but with doubt in his eyes. He doesn't trust the water, nor does he yet know he can swim. I take him in as deep as his feet still touch the ground, and let him cool off in the water. I'll splash him a bit in the hopes he realizes how refreshing it is on a hot day. But he's still water shy. And I'm patient. So we'll be working on that. Coho trotted in once, happily, to cool off. Then, being the stubborn woman she is, plotted her feet dead on the ground and wouldn't budge to come in again. I couldn't pull her in, nor could I taunt her in. She has no lab in her though, so I wasn't expecting anything more than a quick romp from her. Her malamute stubborn-ness never fails to humble me.