Dipnetting Dangerous Winds

I attempted to dip net on the Yukon today. The waters began calm. The sun was glittering on the surface of the water. Fifteen fish were easily caught. But within a matter of a few half an hours, a large dark grey cloud appeared over the hills that lie on the south side of the river. Ominous in every way. The winds forewarned us of what was to come- but we ignored them. A common mistake of most fisherman. Greed for one more catch was upon us, and mother nature was ready to teach us when safety is more important than abundance. In a matter of minutes the winds churned up waves so high that the river's waters mimicked an ocean's. Our boat rocked and swayed and heaved battling the waves. The tiny prop pushed as hard as it could but the winds and the heaviness of our net made for a rough trip home. Through many bumps and harsh down-pours we finally made it back to the cabin. Soaking wet and worn out. Mother nature had certainly gotten her point across.