Chores Are No Fun

I hate chores. I really cannot even begin to explain how sincerely I despise dirty dishes and unfolded laundry. The ever-so-time-consuming duties that everyone must do. Without running water the time-consuming part becomes even more true. Fill up the basins to wash the dishes. Heat up the water. Scrub and rinse and dry. Laundry is even more of a pain. Heating water, filling up the bucket, and then vigorously scrubbing and swishing and splashing. Rinsing is even more difficult as soap tends to forever linger. I'd eat from dirty dishes if the leftover fish residue wouldn't rot. And I'd wear dirty clothes if I never had a visitor to judge my stench. But fish residue does rot, and I do have visitors that I am too kind to to make bare my smell. So chores must be done. And, alas, I must be the one to do them.