Aries and Pisces

He is my sunshine, I his moonlight. We're two completely different people. Opposite in it's finest form. He's quiet, reserved, close-minded, and logical. I'm artistic, outgoing, free-thinking, and spontaneous. He plans and prepares. I act on a whim. He argues for what is necissary. I argue for the sake of the disagreement. I am an Aries, a fire sign, the first in the zodiac. He is a Pisces, a water sign, and the last in the zodiac. Two such symbols very rarely have the stars align in their favor. I am too brash and wild for his taste. He is too boring for mine. He hates that I set my heart on ridiculous ideas. I hate that he ruins my dreams with level-headed thoughts. And yet somewhere admist all of the chaos comes mutual respect, some would even call it love, for one another. I like the way butterflies stir up in my stomache when his lips touch mine. I love the way he grabs my hand in the middle of the night. And even though there are a million reasons I hate him, I can't leave him. For even when I don't like him, I still love him.