Blueberry Harvest

We gathered up everything we would need and pushed out into the river on our boat at approximately 11:00 in the morning. In all honesty that's quite early for one like me to be out and about. I'm not necissarily a morning person to say the least. I'm nor a late-night dweller. I suppose I just very much so enjoy my rest. But I was wide awake with excitement as we drove down the Yukon and into a slough called Clearwater today. The slough titled because of it's beautiful clear water. We followed it's twists and turns until we arrived upon a very steep hill. That hill, we in turn, trekked up to the top. And there they lie. Hundreds of low bush blueberries covering the tundra. I immidiately fall to my knees and begin to pick. In order to truly take advantage, being ground level is a necessity. Not that the desperation to harvest overcame me. I believe more went to curing my immidiate craving than filling my basket...