Princesses Harvesting Salmon

For extra coins collected in my bank, I fish salmon in the fall. My darling and I work together on most feats throughout the year. This autumn venture being no different than the rest. Pitching nets into the water and pulling out food for the world. But for a short-lived enthusiastic mind my mine, one must find some sort of entertainment on twelve hour tough work days. So as we push off the land in our much too small ship and sail into the river, I begin to pretend. The captain- a pirate. I- a kidnapped princess. And as the day goes on and my body wears itself sore, I imagine I am being forced to work to save my kingdom. Wicked seas are not so friendly to a girl so used to a castle. But I put my soul into the waters in the hopes of sparing my father, the king's, life. With dirty blond braids, torn ragged cloths, and a heart much too set on my knight in shining armor, I come back to reality. Four coins being placed in my hand, and a kiss from my love and partner on the boat. Twelve hours passes so quick when hard work is done in the land of make-believe.