Hats, Too Many Hats

A collection of hats lines my bedroom wall. I'm not quite sure when or where I aquired them. Yet over time they have learned to clutter my space and be worn for different occassions. I have fur hats for winter, wide hats for summer, decorative hats for spring, and warm hats for fall. I have a red hat for Yule, a flowered hat for Ester, and a spooky hat for Hallows Eve. There are hats absent of color, and hats too tiny to wear. Hats for dolls, hats for people. Hats my grandmother left me, hats my father bought me on his worldly travels. Hats my ferrets have chewed on. Hats I wore as a child. And hats I wear today. A little too many hats I must admit. But yet they're not decreasing in collection. Perhaps it is the time for a spring cleaning in autumn.