Adventuring With Maps

Maps intrigue me. Although I would much rather go off and wonder in the real world, on a rainy day I truly love to pull out a map and adventure on paper. There are so many places I hope to see someday. England, Scotland, Whales, Ireland, France, Spain, Sweden, Germany, South Africa, Aulstralia. I could ramble on forever on the subject. Maps are my gateway to imagination. Targetting the waterways and country roads of far away lands. And in a way they give me the chance to run recklessly through a place my feet have never touched. I see the mountains, the seashores, the grasslands and praries. It's a sight to behold in the back of my mind. The only trip I can take until my coins add up. And how precious the mind can be when running your fingers across an old ripped forgotten map. In a way the places it portrays is enough to suffice one's need for a walk in unknown places. My fingers trace the footsteps I will someday take. Promoting dreams and goals that my heart yearns to make come true.