Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen. A character I so sincerely appreciate. For he, like me, has a beautiful mind. How do I know? Well his stories, of course. He writes fairytales. He was born Apri 2, a mere three days before my birth day. That would make us both lovely little Aries creatures. Diamond birthstones. Of course, he died practically a hundred years before I ever took my first breath on this earth. So our paths never crossed. Yet he has inspired me so dearly. With words of poems passed on through generations enlightening the minds of millions of young children, he too touched me. They've been tossed into ballets, movies, dances, and picture books. They are... amazing. I've always been a love of authors. There are many that touch my soul, and he is just one of the few that brings inspiration to my heart. Yet he seems to share an odd connection to me, one I have not yet configured. Perhaps I too will write a fairytale, or even better, I'm living one.