Surprise Jam Jars

I've made the last of my jam. Three jars of blackberry, three jars of blueberry. As I waterbathed them to preserve them, I rearranged the jars unaware of the fact that once heated they would look absolutely identical. So after removing them I looked them over carefully only to realize that they all looked the same. And now what was supposed to be seperate blackberry and blueberry, is now a mixture of both. For I have no idea which is which. I have now entitled them all "surprise jam" where with each jar you open you find out what kind it is by tasting it. You get what you get, but either way I'm sure they're bound to be delicious. Sweetened with a bit too much sugar and enlightened with lime syrup, any sort of berry preserves are a treat in this home. I would choose them over chocolate anyday.